Brief Introduction of SUPW


The concept of socially useful productive work in education is one of the recent concept in Indian education. It has been developed out of Gandhiji’s educational ideas which laid stress on work centered education, having practical utility to the society. It was aimed at bringing children closer to a real understanding of the socio – economical, cultural and political needs, capacities and aspirations of their society and helping them to contribute to the society.

Kothari commission (1964 - 1966) proposed the concept of work experience to be implemented in Indian schools. In 1975 the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) published the curriculum for the 10 year schooling. But they evoke strong criticism from the public. There for, the union education ministry appointed a review committee in 1977. The review committee popularly known as Iswarabhai Patel committee. It has brought the central place for socially useful productive work in school curriculum.


Socially useful productive work is defined as purposive, meaningful, manual work resulting in goods or services which is useful to the society. The first word “SOCIALLY” emphasizes that the child who has attained a minimum level of education should be able to function efficiently in his community both in respect of social skills and also in terms of the adjustment to the immediate group.
The second word “USEFUL” stress that the work should lead something that is useful to the child and also to the community or society in terms of returns. By “PRODUCTIVE” it is meant that the product or service should be a useful addition to the existing resource or practices of education. “WORK” means the efforts directed to an end.
A curriculum activity become meaningful when it is related to the life and needs of the training and the community to which he belongs. It become more meaningful when it is related to the basic needs. It become purposeful when it has a place in the process of environmental status of the community as a part of national development.
Purposive meaningful socially useful productive work activities can be drawn from the work situations that occur in the form in schools and in the community. In the area of...
1) health and hygiene(precautions from COVID-19)
2) shelter, 
3) clothing, 
4) Fooding,
5) cultural and recreation. 

Community work and social service as per the local needs and available facilities, interest and capacities of the students or pupils.  Socially useful productive work activities should be so designed , planned and implemented that through the participants in their activities to the pupils.
·         Become aware of social and environmental problems and become acquainted with a productive work and service situations in the schools, in the home.
·         Develop deep work concern for the community and the environment, a sense of belongingness, self reliance, discipline, honesty, sympathy and helpfulness through dedication to the wider loyalties of national development.
·         Develop competencies required to become a useful member of the society.

  These are some physical works of SUPW, shown above.




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